Weird, Wacky & One-of-a-kind
Museums of the World

When most people think of museums, they probably picture grand institutions jam-packed with priceless works of art and ancient artifacts. But not all museums fit this mold. In fact, some of the world's most spectacular and unusual museums are dedicated to topics that you might not expect. From the quirky to the downright bizarre, these museums are sure to make you see the world in a whole new way...

Skeleton Collection

1. Catacombe dei Cappuccini,  Palermo, Sicily.

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The Catacombe dei Cappuccini is a collection of burial catacombs, dating back to the 16th century. Palermo's Capuchin monastery outgrew its original cemetery and monks began to excavate crypts below it. Bodies were dehydrated on racks of ceramic pipes in the catacombs and often washed with vinegar. Some bodies were embalmed and others were enclosed in sealed glass cabinets. Friars were preserved with their everyday clothing. In their wills, the locals would ask to be preserved in certain clothes, or even have their clothes changed at regular intervals. The catacombs contain about 8,000 corpses and 1,252 mummies, The halls are divided by category: men, women, virgins, children, priests, monks, and professionals. One of the most well known bodies held at this museum is Rosalia Lombardo, a Palermitan child who died of pneumonia. One week before her second birthday. Rosalia's father asked to preserve her remains at the Catacombs, hers was one of the last corpses to be admitted to the Museum. The final burial was that of Giovanni Licata di Baucina  in 1939. The catacombs were maintained through donations from the relatives of the deceased. It is now a tourist attraction and takes donations as well as ticketed entry. Photography is strictly prohibited in this museum. Let's just say, this one is definitely not for the faint-hearted.

Noodles Collection

2. Cup Noodles Museum Osaka, Ideka, Japan.

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Who doesn't love ramen? Well, do you love it enough to visit the Cup Noodles Museum Osaka? In 1958, the worlds first 'Chicken Ramen' was invented in Osaka Ideka, so they decided to build a museum dedicated to the birthplace of Ramen. With attractions such as Chicken Ramen Factory, My CUPNOODLES Factory, Magical Table, Instant Noodles Tunnel and the Tasting Room. If you weren't mad about Ramen before you visited this museum, then we're pretty sure you'd be Chicken Ramen crazy after you leave. You have to visit this museum if you visit Japan, our advice; make sure you're hungry!


3. Museum of Broken Relationships, Zagreb, Croatia  

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Yes, we're being serious. This is a 'real life' museum and it exists in Zagreb, Croatia, in-fact, it's the 11th most visited museum in the whole of Croatia. Opening in 2010, this museum is home to a collection of objects that represent failed relationships. Visitors can see everything from love letters to wedding dresses, all of which tell a story of heartbreak and loss. Get your tissues on hand and your 'sad songs' playlist ready for the walk home.


Hand of the dead

4. Museum of the Holy Souls in Purgatory, Rome, Italy  

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Located in a small room next to a church, this museum is dedicated to the souls of the dead who are believed to be trapped in purgatory. Visitors can see a collection of objects that are said to have been touched by these souls, including handprints and burn marks. Are you ready to be closer to the dead than ever, quite literally.


5. Sulabh International Museum of Toilets, Delhi, India  

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This museum is dedicated to the history of sanitation and features exhibits on everything from ancient Roman toilets to modern-day sewage systems. The Museum has a rare collection of facts, pictures and objects detailing the historic evolution of toilets from 2500 BC to date. The museum has three main sections – Ancient, Medieval and Modern: each with a story to tell about the development of the 'loo'. One thing we noticed, they have a lot of WC's but don't provide toilet paper, so we suggest planning ahead and taking your own.

Dog Collar Collection

6. The Dog Collar Museum, Kent, UK

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With dog collars dating back to the 15th Century, this fascinating collection of canine collars is located inside the Leeds Castle. It's a great place to learn about how we used to pamper our furry friends; from eccentric gemstone covered collars to sharp spike neck-pieces, this 'Worlds only' dog collar museum has to on your museum bucket list. Just don't tell your dog you're going without them.


8. International Cryptozoology Museum, Maine, USA 

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Founded in 2003, The International Cryptozoology Museum has a collection of thousands of items for you to see. This museum is dedicated to the study of creatures that are not recognized by science, such as Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster. Visitors can see exhibits on everything from sea serpents to chupacabras. If you're looking to visit a zoology museum that's more than your everyday pigeon, then you have to pay a visit to the International Cryptozoology Museum. Just stay alert, you don't know which cryptid still exists and which doesn't...

7. Museum of Bad Art, Massachusetts, USA 

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This museum is dedicated to showcasing terrible works of art. From poorly executed portraits to hilariously bad landscapes, the Museum of Bad Art is a celebration of artistic failure. Having their first show in March 1994 in the basement of a private house in Boston, this art gallery was an instant media success.  Who said failing Art was a bad thing after all?

9. Icelandic phallological museum, Reykjavik, Iceland

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This one is an interesting one to say the least, it contains the worlds largest display of penises and penile parts. The collection holds more than 300 penises from more than 100 different species of mammals. The collection began in 1974 and has been ever growing since then, once they collect the penises they preserve them in formaldehyde or cleverly taxidermise the body parts. There's no age restriction for this museum, so if you and your family want a unique day out in Iceland then maybe this is the place for you! Good luck having the 'birds and the bees' conversation after this visit...

Bull collection

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